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Table TDI-0. Data sources for clients entering treatment

BelgiumNational Focal Point. Belgian report on treatment demand.
BulgariaNational Focal Point. Monitoring study on drug related treatment demand.
Czech RepublicNational Drug Information System.
DenmarkThe National Board of Health "Register for drug abusers admitted for treatment".
GermanyDeutsche Suchthilfestatistik (DSHS; German Drug Aid Statistics). Pfeiffer-Gerschel, T., Kipke, I. Steppan, M. (2010). Deutsche Suchthilfestatistik 2009. Alle Bundeslnder. Tabellenband fr externe Beratung im Strafvollzug. Bezugsgruppe: Zugnge/Beender ohne Einmalkontakte. IFT Institut fr Therapieforschung, Mnchen.
EstoniaNational Drug Treatment Database.
IrelandNational Drug Treatment Reporting System. Alcohol and Drug Research Unit of the Health Research Board (2009) Treated problem drug use in Ireland: figures for 2008 from the National Drug Treatment Reporting System. Available at www.hrb.ie/publications.
GreeceNational Focal Point.
SpainNational Focal Point. Treatment indicator of the National Plan on Drugs.
FranceRECAP: Recueil commun sur les addictions et les prises en charge.
ItalyNational Focal Point. Multicentres study af Antidrug Policies Department
CyprusNational Focal Point. Treatment demand monitoring system.
LatviaPatient REgister DAta (PREDA).
LithuaniaDrug addicts registration system.
LuxembourgRELIS - Reseau Luxembourgeois d'information sur les stupefiants. PFN - CRP-Santé, RELIS Monitoring system.
HungaryNational Focal Point. Treatment demand indicator.
MaltaNational Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addiction
AustriaDOKLI. GÖG/ÖBIG (2010): Einheitliche Dokumentation der Klientinnen und Klienten der Drogeneinrichtungen (DOKLI). Klientenjahrgang 2009. Wien: GÖG/ÖBIG.
PolandInstitute of Psychiatry and Neurology.
PortugalMultidisciplinary Information System.
RomaniaNational Focal Point.
SloveniaNational Drug Treatment Database. National Institute of Public Health: Core National Drug Treatment Database.
SlovakiaHlásenie liecby užívatela drog / Report on drug user's treatment; ZS (MZSR 4-12). National Centre of Health Information, Report on drug user's treatment. State statistical surveys.
FinlandDrug Treatment Information System.
SwedenNational Focal Point. Instruktion för KIM-rapporteringen.
United KingdomNational Drug Treatment Monitoring System, Scottish Drug Misuse Database, Northern Ireland DMD, All Wales Database.
TurkeyDrug Treatment Reporting System.
CroatiaRegister of Persons Treated for Psychoactive Drugs Misuse.


 Reitox national reports 2010 — TDI 34. 

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Page last updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2011