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Table TDI-2. Clients entering treatment and reporting treatment units, 1998 to 2009 [see all tables in this series...]

Part (iv) Types of reporting treatment unit by country

CountryTypes of units covered in the data
Czech RepublicUp to 1998 OUT+LTA; from 1999 to 2004 OUT+INP+LTA+PRIS; since 2005:OUT+INP+LTA
DenmarkOUT+INP (in 2006: OUT+INP+OTH)
GermanyUp to 2004 OUT+GPs; 2005 AND 2006: OUT+INP; 2007, since 2008: OUTP+INP+LTA+PRIS
EstoniaOTH: Estonia we cannot separate in- and out-patient centres, because they provide both type of treatment.
Ireland(1)1997: OUT+INP+LTA; 1998: OUT+INP+LTA+GP; 1999: OUT+INP+LTA+GP+PRIS; 2000:OUT+INP+LTA+GP; 2001-2003,2005: OUT+INP+LTA; 2006-2007:OUT+INP+LTA+GPs; since 2008: OUT+INP+LTA+GPs+PRIS
GreeceUp to 1999 OUT+INP; since 2000: OUT+INP+LTA
FranceUp to 2004: OUT+INP+PRIS; 2005: OUT; since 2006: OUT+INP+PRIS
Cyprus2001,2002: OUT; 2003:OUT+INP; 2004: OUT+INP+PRIS; 2005: OUT+INP; since 2006: OUT+INP+PRIS (in 2008: OUT+INP).
Latvia(3)2002-2004: OUT; since 2005: OUT+INP; (in 2009 OUT)
Lithuania2002-2005: INP+OUT; since 2006: OUT
Luxembourg(4)Up to 2003 OUT+INP+LTA+PRIS; 2004: OUT+INP+PRIS; 2005-2006: OUT+INP+OTH; 2007, 2008: OUTP+INP
Malta(6)OUT; 2009: OUT+INP+LTA+PRIS
Netherlands(7)OUT+LTA; since 2008: OUT+INP+LTA
Austria(8)Up to 2005: OUT+GP+PRIS (only units notifying substitution treatment); since 2006: OUT+INP
Poland(9)INP; 2008: INP+OUT
RomaniaUp to 2006: INP (OUT units are sometimes organised within INP centres); 2007, 2008: OUTP+INP, 2009: OUTP+INP+PRIS
SloveniaOUT; from 2003 to 2005:OUT+PRIS
SlovakiaUp to 1999 OUT+INP; since 2000: OUT+INP+PRIS
FinlandIn 1996 OUT+INP; from 1998 to 2002: OUT+INP+PRIS; 2003-2004: OUT+INP+PRIS+GP+LTA; 2005: OUT+INP+PRIS+LTA; 2006: OUT+INP; 2007: OUT+INP+LTA+PRIS; since 2008: OUT+INP
Sweden(11)Up to 2002: OUT+INP+PRIS; 2003: OUT+INP; 2004:OUT+INP+ combined Outpatient-Inpatient in methadone treatment (OTH); Since 2005: OUT+INP+PRIS
United KingdomOUT+INP+GP


 The following acronyms are used to abbreviate treatment unit type: OUT = outpatient treatment centres; INP = inpatient treatment centres; LTA = low-threshold agencies; PRIS = treatment units in prison; GP = general practitioners; OTH = other treatment units. 

 (1) Low-threshold methadone maintenance and crisis counselling. 

 (2) Since 2004: OUTP AND PRIS data together. 

 (3) Outpatient centres data covers only new clients. 

 (4) 2004 OTHER refers to Specialised drug unit of judicial police (SPJ). 

 (5) 2007 data refers to OUTP AND INP data together. 

 (6) Outpatient, inpatient treatment centres, low-threshold agencies, units in prison and dual-diagnosis unit of psychiatric hospital together. 

 (7) OUTP AND LTA data together; 2008: OUT and LTA and INP data together. 

 (8) In 2006 the DOKLI data collection system was implemented. 

 (9) 'The system provided by Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology covers all psychiatric facilities including wards in hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and inpatient rehabilitation treatment facilities. In the majority of these facilities only few or no drug users were treated. Main data comes from the rehabilitation centres specialised in drug treatment. Data presented are from two different monitoring systems (Pilot project for TDI monitoring and Inst. Psy. Neur. - aggregated data). Caution must be made when interpreting the data as double counting could not be avoid. 

 (10) Only new clients are reported. 

 (11) Most recent prisons treatment data do not cover new clients. 

 See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Reitox national reports 2010 — Standard table 3 and 34, Table TDI. 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Tuesday, 21 June 2011