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Table TDI-7. Data coverage, 2009 or most recent year available [see all tables in this series...]

Part (ii) Units by country and type of treatment centre and reporting status

CountryOutpatient centresInpatient centresOther agencies
Units coveredUnits in the countryUnits coveredUnits in the countryUnits coveredUnits in the countryTypes of other agency
Czech Republic 10314648586672Low-threshold agencies
Germany(1)935133218842537257Low-threshold agencies and Treatment units in prison
Estonia(2)::::1111Outpatient and Inpatient centres
Ireland2122543453284379General practitioners, Low-threshold agencies and Treatment units in prisons
Greece5463111327Low-threshold agencies
Spain(3)::::503:Outpatient centres and treatment units in prisons
France1612162840916Treatment units in prison
Cyprus(4)16163311Treatment units in prison
Luxembourg 776711Treatment units in prison
Hungary697519:11:Low-threshold agencies and Treatment units in prison
Malta::::55Outpatient and specialised inpatient treatment centres, low-threshold agencies and units in prison
Poland(6)::2552553333Health Care Units
Romania5050152055Treatment units in prison
Slovakia7247543831339Treatment units in prison
Sweden1344371563063855Treatment units in prison
United Kingdom 1613:122:137:General practitioners


 : Indicates no data available 

 (1) Outpatient data refer to a more narrow definition of outpatient centres if compared to previous years. The coverage may vary according to specific variables. The number of units covered here refers to all units covered, regardless of the specific variable. As for specific variables, the largest coverage is reached in correspondence of data on age and gender. 

 (2) Estonia cannot separate outpatient and inpatient as they provide both type of treatment.  

 (3) Data refer to 2008. Outpatient data refer to Outpatient centres and treatment units in prisons 

 (4) Excluding the centres that mainly deal with prevention, the units coverage can be estimated 100%                 

 (5) Data for outpatient units refer to outpatient centres, inpatient centres and low-threshold agencies.                 

 (6) Data refer to 2008. Data presented are from two different monitoring systems (Pilot project for TDI monitoring and Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology - aggregated data). Caution must be made when interpreting the data as double counting could not be avoid. 

 See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page


 Reitox national reports 2010 — Table TDI by centre type. 

(see the help page for information about formats etc.)

Page last updated: Wednesday, 29 June 2011