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Table GPSurvey-7. Last 30 days prevalence and frequency of use of cannabis amongst all adults and young adults, according to population surveys. Part (ii) Frequency of use among all users in last 30 days (percentage)

Country Year Sample size % used in 30 days Number of users 1 to 3 days/30 4 to 9 days/30 10 to 19 days/30 20+ days/30  
France 2000 11317 4.4 497 42.5 15.5 15.5 26.4
Greece 1998 3398 2.3 104 37.7 27.3 15.6 19.5
Ireland 2002/03 4925 2.6 126 40.9 22.3 14.3 22.5
Italy 2001 6032 4.7 171 38.0 30.4 12.3 19.3
Latvia 2003 4534 1.8 81 57.1 24.2 13.3 5.4
Netherlands 2000/01 14045 3.7 744 41.5 21.1 13.8 23.6
Portugal 2001 14184 3.3 336 33.7 23.8 19.2 23.2
Spain 2001 14113 6.8 1058 29.5 24.8 12.1 33.6
Finland 2002 2377 1.1          
Those that declared having used cannabis on 20 days or more in the 30 days previous to the interview are refered as 'daily or almost daily users' in the texts.
For methodological information see [Methods and definitions - Prevalence and patterns of drug use in the general population].
Finland: Further information on frequency of use in last 30 days collected but not reported due to low numbers of users.
See sources for each individual survey in [Table GPSurvey-1 Part (iii) Sources] in this statistical bulletin.

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