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Demand for treatment for drug use

Treatment demand data come from each country with varying degrees of national coverage, principally from outpatient clinics' treatment records. Most of the information is reported separately for clients new to treatment as well as for all clients requesting treatment during the year.

Tables TDI-1 to TDI-3 report by country the numbers of people attending treatment of varying sorts, and information on their age and gender.

  • Table TDI-1. Total numbers of new clients at drug treatment centres, 1996 to 2002
  • Table TDI-2. Number of cases covered by treatment demand indicator reports, by country and by data source in 2002: New clients and All clients
  • Table TDI-3. Gender distribution and mean age among new and all clients at outpatient treatment centres in 2002
Tables TDI-4 and TDI-5 show by main drug type for which treatment is requested, totalled across all countries submitting this information, the distribution of age and age at first use reported by treatment clients.
  • Table TDI-4. Age distribution (percent) among all clients in treatment by main drug, for those countries supplying data for 2002
  • Table TDI-5. Distribution of age at first use of main drug by all clients in treatment, from all sources, for those countries supplying data for 2002
Tables TDI-6 and TDI-7 report by country, where information is available, on recorded social characteristics of all outpatient clients.
  • Table TDI-6. Distribution of educational level (percentage) among all clients attending outpatient treatment in 2002
  • Table TDI-7. Distribution of labour status (percentage) amongst all clients attending outpatient treatment in 2002
Tables TDI-8 and TDI-9 present information on drug use amongst clients attending for treatment primarily for cannabis use. Frequency of cannabis use is categorised as: daily/2-4 days per week/1 day or less per week/occasional or none; use of all secondary drugs is classified by: opiates, cocaine, stimulants, hypnotics and sedatives, hallucinogens, volatiles and inhalanats, alcohol and other substances.
  • Table TDI-8. Frequency of cannabis use (in percentages) in the past month amongst all cannabis (primary drug) clients attending outpatient treatment in 2002
  • Table TDI-9. Secondary drug used: percentage among all cannabis (primary drug) clients attending outpatient treatment in 2002
In Tables TDI-10 to TDI-13, for each country supplying the data, are reported: primary drug for which treatment is requested, injecting status and age information, separately for all clients, new clients, males and females. The primary drug is classified as: opiates, cocaine, ecstasy, other amphetamines, hallucinogens, cannabis and other drugs, maintaining uniformity with previous years.
  • Table TDI-10. Characteristics of all clients treated for drug problems: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2002 or most recent year available
  • Table TDI-11. Characteristics of new clients treated for drug problems: demographics and main drug at treatment in 2002 or most recent year available
  • Table TDI-12. Characteristics of all women treated for drug problems in 2002 or most recent year available
  • Table TDI-13. Characteristics of all men treated for drug problems in 2002 or most recent year available