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Table SZR-13. Number of ecstasy seizures 1995 to 2005

Belgium(1)1002 267211002504245039
Bulgaria(8) 611116
Czech Republic(2) 37313932
Denmark 984110143197444331340322505461
Germany 2518236819862883468142903417257134633238
Estonia 11816163242103126184243172
Ireland 57140534746610641864148510271083806655
Greece(3) 243188153129
Spain 163022421999137519953750119479180469419203371
France 587644628608649140915891782186421351620
Italy(4)9481157848730 817
Cyprus 2634
Latvia 2060803790131
Lithuania 11139729892
Luxembourg 252612221015162681414
Hungary 3043621226905
Malta 8 368772
Netherlands(5) 310124154125
Austria 153254253135215330352308276286295
Poland(9) 22941016
Romania 79
Slovenia 127148119686536
Slovakia 153252239203726
Finland 527457159393465329316328363
United Kingdom 55136216509848506637979010410834276067351
Turkey 791543065991893
Norway 160192242178502827841693405452341


 A fuller historical series, back to 1985 for reporting countries, is available in the Supplementary tables section of this statistical bulletin. 

 (1) 1998 data includes both seizures of ecstasy and amphetamine. 

 (2) Accurate data are not available before 2002 due to double counting of seizures by police and customs reports. 2002 data include 1 seizure of ecstasy powder. 

 (3) Until 2003, data include both ecstasy and amphetamine tablets.  

 (4) Since 2000, data include seizures of tablets of all amphetamine-type products with no differentiation between products (a majority of seizures of tablets being ecstasy-type products); see Table SZR-11 for number of seizures of amphetamine-type products additionally seized in kg. 

 (5) 1997 data include 269 seizures of MDMA and 41 of MDEA. 2000 data include seizures of both ecstasy and amphetamine. 

 (6) 2001 data include 6 seizures of ecstasy measured in kg; 21 in 2002; 21 in 2003; 25 in 2004; and 40 in 2005. 

 (7) Before 2001, data include only seizures of MDMA and MDA; whereas since 2001, data include seizures of MDMA, MDA and MDE. 

 (8) Except for 2002, data refer to seizures made by customs and the National Service for Combating Organised Crime (NACOC) from the Ministry of Interior. 2002 data refer only to seizures made by NACOC. 

 (9) Up until 2003 the number of large seizures only is reported; from 2004 all seizures are reported.  


 Reitox national focal points.     

Page last updated: Wednesday, 07 November 2007