Part (ii) Estimates and share of clients in methadone (MMT) and high-dosage buprenorphine (HDBT) treatment in EU-27, Croatia, Turkey and Norway in 2007
Country | | Number of MMT clients | MMT share | | Number of HDBT clients | HDBT share | | All substitution clients | |
| | | | | | | | | |
Belgium | | 14714 | 90 | | 892 | 6 | | 16275 | (17) |
Bulgaria | | 2405 | 83 | | 0 | 0 | | 2910 | (2) |
Czech Republic | | 620 | 12 | | 4300 | 88 | | 4920 | (3) |
Denmark | | 5700 | 90 | | 600 | 10 | | 6300 | |
Germany | | 55315 | 80 | | 12797 | 19 | | 68800 | (9) |
Estonia | | 1044 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 1044 | |
Ireland | | 9302 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 9302 | |
Greece | | 2524 | 64 | | 1426 | 36 | | 3950 | (16) |
Spain | | 81706 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 81706 | (1) |
France | | 24000 | 20 | | 96000 | 80 | | 120000 | |
Italy | | 95453 | 85 | | 17443 | 16 | | 112896 | |
Cyprus | | 0 | 0 | | 64 | 90 | | 71 | (10) |
Latvia | | 100 | 43 | | 130 | 57 | | 230 | (15) |
Lithuania | | : | : | : | : | : | | 381 | (16) |
Luxembourg | | 1037 | 95 | | 55 | 5 | | 1092 | |
Hungary | | 774 | 96 | | 33 | 4 | | 807 | (11) |
Malta | | : | : | | : | : | | : | |
Netherlands | | 12000 | 94 | | : | : | | 12715 | (4), (16) |
Austria | | : | 30 | | : | 39 | | 10452 | (12) |
Poland | | 1522 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 1522 | |
Portugal | | : | 74 | | : | 26 | | 24312 | (5) |
Romania | | 639 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 639 | |
Slovenia | | : | 69 | | : | 28 | | 1032 | (13) |
Slovakia | | 450 | 90 | | 50 | 10 | | 500 | |
Finland | | 540 | 45 | | 660 | 55 | | 1200 | (14) |
Sweden | | 1496 | 48 | | 1619 | 52 | | 3115 | (6) |
UK- England & Wales | | : | : | | : | : | | 131468 | (7) |
UK-Scotland | | 22224 | 100 | | 0 | 0 | | 22224 | (16) |
UK-Northern Irel. | | : | : | | : | : | | 463 | |
Croatia | | 852 | 42 | | 1164 | 58 | | 2016 | |
Turkey | | 0 | 0 | | 0 | 0 | | 0 | |
Norway | | 3085 | 61 | | 1973 | 39 | | 5058 | (8) |
Where data are not available for a country, the table entry is left empty. |
Substitution treatment programmes are currently under preparation in Turkey |
For further information on client population covered, estimation processes and other notes by country see part (iii) . |
(1) High-dosage buprenorphine treatment is an official treatment option in Spain but the substance is not commercially available. Buprenorphine/naloxone combination is available but its use is not funded by the national treatment system. |
(2) The number of "All substitution clients" in Bulgaria includes 505 slow-release morphine clients. |
(3) The number of buprenorphine clients in the Czech Republic is estimated and includes 444 registered clients treated at specialised substitution centres as well as clients who receive buprenorphine from doctors in office-based practice. |
(4) There are no national registration data on substitution treatments realised with other substances than methadone, and on diamorphine prescribing in the Netherlands. The number of "All substitution clients" includes 715 clients receiving diamorphine prescriptions. |
(5) Valid data on the share between substances in Portugal are available for 17.782 clients registered in opioid maintenance programs in outpatient units by IDT. On 31 December 2007, there were 13.175 clients receiving methadone and 4607 receiving buprenorphine. The number of buprenorphine clients in Portugal includes clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. |
(6) The number of buprenorhine clients in Sweden includes clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. |
(7) Data represent the number of people being prescribed for as part of drug treatment. Actual numbers of clients are not available but the a majority of substitution clients will be methadone clients, though there is growing use of buprenorphine. It is estimated that approximately 400 doctors are licensed to prescribe diamorphine for the treatment of addiction, but prescribing of morphine for the treatment of addiction is extremely rare. A 2007 NTA study 2007 NTA study reported a share of 63% of methadone clients and 20% of buprenorphine clients in 2006. |
(8) The number of buprenorphine clients in Norway includes clients receiving buprenorphine/naloxone combination. |
(9) The number of "All substitution clients" in Germany includes 275 clients receiving diamorphine prescriptions and 413 codeine treatment clients. |
(10) The number of "All substitution clients" in Cyprus includes 7 clients in codeine treatment. |
(11) The 24 clients in buprenorphine/naloxone combination treatment in Hungary are registered as buprenorphine clients. |
(12) Valid data on the share between substances in Austria are available for 1.982 clients treated for the first time in life in 2007, of whom 585 started methadone treatment, 770 buprenorphine
treatment, 615 slow-release morphine and 12 substitution treatment with codeine . |
(13) Valid data on the share between substances in Slovenia are available for the 561 clients entering treatment in 2007, of whom 388 started methadone treatment, 158 buprenorphine
treatment, and 12 slow-release morphine treatment. There were 4 cases of naltrexone treatment; they are all included in the number of "All substitution clients". |
(14) The number of buprenorphine clients in Finland includes 120 cases of buprenorphine/naloxone combination treatment. |
(15) The majority of buprenorphine clients in Latvia are Finnish citizens who travel once a month to Latvia for their prescription. |
(16) Latest available data are from 2006. |
(17) The number of "All substitution clients" in Belgium includes 669 clients in Methadone and Buprenorphine treatment. |
See also 'General notes for interpreting data' on the Explanatory notes and help page. | Sources:
Standard Tables 24 (ST24) on 'treatment availability' submitted by NFPs in 2008. |
Reitox National Reports 2008. |
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