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Figure INF-6. Estimated HCV antibody prevalence among injecting drug users — studies with national and subnational coverage [see all figures in this series...]

Part (i) Sample estimates, 2006 to 2007


Black squares are samples with national coverage; blue triangles are samples with subnational (including local or regional) coverage. Differences between countries have to be interpreted with caution owing to different types of settings and/or study methods; national sampling strategies vary.

Data for Portugal, Italy, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Malta, Romania, Slovenia and Slovakia are limited to prevalence among IDUs in treatment and may not be representative of prevalence among IDUs who are not in treatment.

Data for Bulgaria and Italy and part of the data for Belgium, Lithuania, Portugal and Hungary include non-IDUs and therefore may underestimate prevalence among IDUs (proportion of non-IDUs in the samples not known).

Countries are presented by order of increasing prevalence, based on the average of national data or, if not available, of subnational data.

Poland and Luxembourg: data are from 2005.

Related links:

Figure INF-6 part (i).

For primary sources, study details and data before 2006, see Table INF-11 and Table INF-0.

See also ‘General notes for interpreting data’ on the Explanatory notes and help page.


Reitox national focal points

Page last updated: Tuesday, 01 September 2009