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For the most recent information, we recommend visiting the main website of the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA).
Overview of the data | Tables | Graphics | Supplementary downloadable tables | Methods and definitions
The index lists the tables in the bulletin, the supplementary downloadable tables and the associated graphics in the section dealing with epidemiological studies among youth, along with a brief overview. See also the main overall index for all sections.
Summary points
It is important to note that among school students large increases in prevalence may occur with small increase in age. This means that prevalence estimates for 15 to 16 year old students should not be generalised to other students in older age groups (Figure EYE-1 part (i), Table EYE-3).
Since 1995 there has been a consistent increase in number of school students in most countries of the EU that have ever tried cannabis (Figure EYE-1 part (ii), Table EYE-5 part (i)).
Other drugs
Prevalence estimates for ecstasy exceed those for amphetamine in 14 of the EU and candidate countries that participated in the 2003 ESPAD surveys of 15 to 16 year old school students.(Figure EYE-2 part (ii), Table EYE-1).
Since 1995 the greater increases in LTP for ecstasy occurred mostly in the new Eastern and Central European Member States. Decreases took place in Ireland and the UK before 1999 and LTP has remained more stable since then (Figure EYE-2 part (i), Table EYE-4 (Excel format)).
The 2003 ESPAD school surveys found that lifetime prevalence estimates for amphetamines is higher than those for ecstasy in only 6 of the EU, Norway and candidate countries (Figure EYE-2 part (ii), Table EYE-1).