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Drug-related infectious diseases (INF)

Drug-related infectious diseases

This area develops indicators for more reliable and comparable monitoring of hepatitis B/C and HIV in injecting drug users. This is necessary for identifying priorities for preventing further infections, for forecasting health-care needs and costs, and for monitoring the impact of preventive interventions.

Prevalence of HIV, HCV and HBV in IDUs

Tables INF-1, INF-2 and INF-3 provide a summary overview of HIV, HCV and HBV prevalence in samples of injecting drug users.

Tables INF-8, INF-9 and INF-10 show full data on HIV prevalence in samples of injecting drug users as well as prevalence among young injectors and new injectors for HIV. Tables INF-11, INF-12 and INF-13 show full data on HCV prevalence in samples of injecting drug users as well as prevalence among young injectors and new injectors for HCV.

Tables INF-14 and INF-15 show full data on prevalence of HBV current infection (HBsAg) and of HBV antibodies (aHBc, aHBs), respectively.

Table INF-16 provides breakdowns of HIV prevalence data for selected countries (by gender, age group, years of injecting and primary drug).

Figures INF-1, INF-2, INF-3 and INF-4 show HIV/AIDS data.

HIV case reporting and hepatitis B/C notifications

Tables INF-4, INF-5 and INF-6 show counts of case reports or notifications of newly diagnosed HIV, HCV and HBV cases respectively. The HIV case reports, provided by EuroHIV, are also expressed as rates per million population. For hepatitis notifications, rates per million are not calculated, given the likely low comparability of figures between countries.

Tables INF-5 and INF-6 give the percentage of IDUs among the cases of hepatitis B and C that have information on the presumed transmission category.

Table INF-7: a small number of countries report incidence data for HCV from follow-up studies of IDUs at mostly sub-national level. Table INF-7 reports the number of IDUs followed, the number of sero-conversions, follow-up time, the incidence rate per 100 person-years.

Figures INF-6, INF-7and INF-8 show data on hepatitis C and Figures INF-9 and INF-11 data on hepatitis B.

Table INF-0 lists all bibliographic references. The table below summarises the overall organisation of the graphics.


  HIV/AIDS Hepatitis C Hepatitis B
Prevalence – latest data Figure INF-3 Figure INF-6 Figure INF-9
Prevalence – time trends Figure INF-4 Figure INF-7 Figure INF-11
Case reports/notifications Figure INF-1 and Figure INF-2 Figure INF-8  

Page last updated: Tuesday, 20 March 2012