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Table IDisease-2. Prevalence of HCV infection among injecting drug users - summary table

Country or region Year Number tested % infected (1)

Setting/comments (2) (3)

Belgium 2001-02 631 (35.8-79.8) Drug treatment centres, low threshold services; screening serum 2, 8
Czech Republic 2002 2005 (29.9)-52 Low threshold services, prisons; screening serum 1
Denmark 1997 602 (75-85) Study prison/treatment centres; screening serum 1, 2
Germany 1998-01 675 (65.7-96.8) Drug treatment centers, low threshold service, prisons; screening saliva/ serum 2, 4, 7
Estonia 2002 100 (90) Low threshold services 3
Greece 2002 3 191 (34.6-66.3) Drug treatment centres, low threshold services, public health laboratories, STD clinics; screening serum 1, 2, 9
Spain 1997-02 1 249 (49.3-92.0) Drug treatment centres, hospitals; screening serum 8, 20, 23
France 1995-98 368 (53.2-80.1) Prisons and public health laboratory; screening serum 5, 6, 11
Ireland 1998-99 682 71.7-81.3 Prisons; screening saliva 2, 4
Italy 2002 79 762 64.9 (41.5-95.0) Drug treatment centres; screening serum. Potential underestimation due to inclusion of unknown but probably small proportions of non-IDUs 1
Cyprus     na    
Latvia 2001 261 (83) Needle exchange 2
Lithuania 2000 693 79 na 2
Luxembourg 1998 116 37 Prison; screening saliva 4
Hungary 2001 315 30 Drug treatment centres 1
Malta     na    
 Netherlands 1996-00 487 (47.2-73.3) Surveys in and outside drug treatment; screening serum 9, 11
Austria 2001-02 328 (36-67.6) Drug treatment centres, needle exchange, low-threshold services; screening serum 2, 3, 4
Poland 2002 165 (60.6) Drug treatment centres, street recruitment; screening serum 1
Portugal 2000 369 (45.3-92.4) Drug treatment centres, public health laboratory, pregnant IDUs; screening serum 1, 2, 6, 7
Slovenia 2002 571 25.4 Drug treatment centres; screening serum 1
Slovakia 2002 80 (32.5) Drug treatment centres; screening serum 2
Finland 2002 430 (30.2-52.0) Needle exchanges; screening serum or saliva 1, 5, 8
Sweden 1994 913 (91.1) Remand prison and hospital; screening 2
UK (England & Wales) 2001 2 963 32.2-(45.8) Drug treatment, needle exchange, low threshold, primary care and outreach; screening saliva 1
Norway 2002 410 (79) Needle exchange; screening serum 2
This summary table is meant to give a global overview of HCV prevalence in IDUs in the EU. In this table data are reported for the most recent year available. Data from samples of drug users with no information on injecting status as well as self-reported test results were excluded. Data sources for more than one year are used if they clearly improve generalisability (e.g. national data, out-of-treatment data). Prevalence in this table should not be compared with previous versions to follow changes over time, as inclusion of sources may vary according to data availability. For time trends see [Annex of this statistical bulletin]
(1) The figures given in brackets show local estimates (or range of estimates) within the country.
(2) Saliva tests for hepatitis C antibodies underestimate prevalence. If test sensitivity is known then figures can be adjusted upwards by dividing prevalence by test sensitivity. Test sensitivity is around 70-90% in older studies and may be up to 90-95% in some recent studies. Figures have not been adjusted.
(3) Having health problems is one selection criterion for admission to drug treatment in some countries or cities (Greece, Portugal, Rome), due to long waiting lists or special programmes for infected IDUs, and this may result in upward bias of prevalence. Prevalence from treatment data should therefore be interpreted in combination with non-treatment data.
See [Table IDisease-0 Part (i)]

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