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Table IDisease-6. Notified cases of hepatitis B infection among injecting drug users: number of IDUs and percentage of IDUs amongst all cases with known risk factor. Part (ii) Notes and comments

Country Region Reference Comments
Bulgaria Sofia 1 IDUs in drug treatment centre. Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. Case definition: ELISA Bio-Rad was used, all positive samples were confirmed by confirmatory testing.
Czech Republic NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results collected. Case definition: In symptomatic cases clinical picture compatible with hepatitis, e.g. discrete onset of symptoms and jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferate level. Laboratory confirmation in symtpomatic and asymptomatic cases: IgM anti HB, antibodies HBV nucleic acid in serum.
Denmark NATIONAL 4 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results collected.
Estonia NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results. Case definition: Clinical picture compatible with hepatitis discrete onset of symptoms and jaundice or elevated serum aminotransfrase levels and a case is laboratory confirmed.
Latvia NATIONAL 3 Acute cases. HBeAg results are collected.
Luxembourg NATIONAL 1 Note: all notified hepatitis C cases, IDU cases not available. Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results collected.
Hungary NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results. Case definition: An illness with discrete data of onset, and (2) jandince or elevated serum aminotransferase levels greater than 2,5 times the upper limit of normal. Serologic criteria used: HBsAg-positive, or/and anti HBcIgM positive: with IgM antiHAV-negative or not done.
Netherlands NATIONAL 19 Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. No laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results collected. Case definition: until 1-4-99: acute, symptomatic HBV infection, from 1-4-'99 onwards: newly diagnosed HBV infection (acute & chronic).
Poland POMORSKIE Gdansk 3 na
Slovenia NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results collected. Case definition: a suspected case which is laboratory confirmed (HBsAg positive or IgM anti HBc positive and IgM anti HAV neg. and anti HCV neg.)
Slovakia BRATISLAVA REGION 1, 4 na
Finland NATIONAL 1a Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results.
Sweden NATIONAL 3 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results. Case definition: Case of acute HBV infection: HBsAg positive, anti-HBcIgM positive.
UK ENGLAND AND WALES 23, 26 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results collected. Case definition: HBsAg positive and anti-HBc IgM positive and/or with discrete onset of jaundice or other comparable symptoms.
  SCOTLAND 27 Laboratory confirmation. Case definition: laboratory reports of positive hepatitis B Virus (HBV) tests - any marker. Note: Information on risk factors, clinical history and status of HBV markers is frequently missing, thus it is difficult to determine whether cases are acute or chronic.
  NORTHERN IRELAND 25 Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results collected. Case definition: all acute cases of hepatitis should be reported; chronic infections should also be reported when occurring in children, pregnant women and health care workers.
Norway NATIONAL 7 Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HBeAg results are collected. Case definition: clincal picture compatible with hepatitis and detection of HBs antigen / HBV-RNA or IgM antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen (anti-HBc) positive or detection of HBV-DNA in serum or seroconvertion during the last 12 months.

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