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Table IDisease-0. Infectious diseases - Bibliographic references. Part (ii) Notifications

Country Reference no

Bibliographic reference

Bulgaria 1 Tomov N. National Centre for Addictions.
Czech Republic 6 Register of infectious diseases "EPIDAT", National Institute of Public Health, available online (http://www.szu.cz/cem/epidat/epidat.htm).
Denmark 4 E. Smith. Statens Serum Institut.
Germany 20 Die Hepatitiden B und C bei drogenabhängigen Patienten: eine epidemiologische Studie. Suchttherapie, Supp. 2002; 3:51-52 / personal information.
Estonia 1 Kutsar K, Health Protection Inspectorate, Tallinn.
Ireland 13 Smyth B, O'Connor JJ, Barry J, Keenan E. Retrospective cohort study examining incidence of HIV and Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in Dublin. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:310-311.
Italy 28 Istituto Superior di Sanità, Sistema epidemiologico integrata dell’epatite virale acuta (SEIEVA).
Latvia 3 Perevoscikovs J. State Public Health Agency. (Epidemiologijas biletens, Nr. 84 (720) June 16, 2003).
Luxembourg 1d Origer A., Ministry of Health – Luxembourg.
Hungary 1 Csohán Á. National Center for Epidemiology, Department for Epidemiology, Budapest.
Netherlands 19 Op de Coul E., National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven. (unpublished data).
Netherlands 20 Op de Coul E., Bosman A., van de Laar M. Aangiftesysteem voor HCV moet beter. Surveillance van hepatitis C in Nederland, 1992-2002. Infectieziekten Bulletin 2003, 14(9): 323-328.
Poland 3 National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004.
Slovenia 1 Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana.
Slovakia 1 Okruhlica, L., Klempova, D.: Hodnocení programu vakcinace proti hepatitide typu B u uživatelú drog v Bratislave (Evaluation of a Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme among Drug Users in Bratislava), Adiktologie, 2002, 2, p.11-18.
Slovakia 4 Okruhlica, L., Centre for Treatment of Drug Dependencies. Bratislava.
Slovakia 5 Okruhlica, L., Gazdik, F., Klempova, D.: Hepatitída C a aktuálne súvislosti s odborom drogových závislostí, Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti (Protialkoholický obzor), 2003, 38, p.75-82.
Finland 1a Holmström P. National Public Health Institute (KTL) Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology (unpublished data).
Finland 4 National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Private practioner and heroin addicts: A case study on the impact of medical outpatient care on criminal activities. STAKES. Helsinki, 1998.
Finland 5 National Focal Point, pers. comm. 2004.
Sweden 3 Janzon R. Swedish Institute for Infectious Disease Control, Department of Epidemiology. (unpublished data).
UK 22 Surveillance of known hepatitis C antibody cases in Scotland: Results to 30th June 2002. SCIEH Weekly Report 2003; 37(15): 96-101.
UK 23 Balogun MA & Gungabissoon U, PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre – London.
UK 24 Ramsay ME, Balogun MA, Collins M, Balraj V. Laboratory surveillance of hepatitis C virus infection in England and Wales: 1992 to 1996. Communicable disease and Public Health 1998; 1: 89-94.
UK 25 Smyth B. Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, Northern Ireland.
UK 26 Balogun MA, Ramsay ME, Fairley CK, Collins M, Heptonstall J. Acute hepatitis B infection in England and Wales 1985-1996. Epidemiology and Infection 1999; 122: 125-131.
UK 27 Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health (SCIEH), Laboratory notifications, Glasgow.
UK 28 Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre Northern Ireland. http://www.cdscni.org.uk/
UK 29 http://www.show.scot.nhs.uk/scieh/
Norway 4 Marte Ødegård Lund, SIRUS – Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, unpublished data.
Norway 7 Blystad H. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Oslo.