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Table IDisease-5. Notified cases of hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users: number of IDUs and percentage of IDUs amongst all cases with known risk factor. Part (i) Notifications IDUs with hepatitis C

Country Region Ref.   1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Bulgaria SOFIA 1 cases IDU       50 78 162 241 178 483 254 412
      % IDU                      
Czech Republic NATIONAL 1 cases IDU         95 132 261 362 365 499 512
      % IDU                      
Denmark NATIONAL 4 cases IDU 52 73 61 27 20 20 13 11 9 3 4
      % IDU 80 72 73 75 71 77 62 85 60 38 80
Estonia NATIONAL 1 cases IDU                     98
      % IDU                     82.3
Latvia NATIONAL 3 cases IDU                     27
      % IDU                     18
Luxembourg NATIONAL 1 cases IDU       82 48 67 54 94 56 76  
      % IDU                      
Hungary NATIONAL 1 cases IDU             14 8 5 5 3
      % IDU                      
Netherlands NATIONAL 19 cases IDU               144 254 358  
      % IDU               87 83 90  
Poland POMORSKIE Gdansk 3 cases IDU                     100
      % IDU                      
Slovenia NATIONAL 1 cases IDU           2 2 2 5 4 0
      % IDU           67 67 40 100 67  
Slovakia BRATISLAVA REGION 4, 5 cases IDU           45 54 36 44 36  
      % IDU                      
Finland NATIONAL 1a cases IDU             1015 979 908 804 674
      % IDU             93 94 93 93 91
Sweden NATIONAL 3 cases IDU 3200 2674 2563 1828 1663 1545 1616 1495 1412 1269 1295
      % IDU 92.5 87.6 91.2 91.5 92.3 91.2 87.2 92.2 86.8 83 82.9
UK ENGLAND AND WALES 23, 24 cases IDU 57 175 386 815 1220 1432 1757 1999 1452 940 969
      % IDU 50 67 77 82 86 93 90 91 93 96 97
UK SCOTLAND 22 cases IDU 147 332 461 640 757 865 1187 1307 1257 1118 562
      % IDU 56.5 84.9 87.8 84.9 90.6 91.8 94.6 94.8 94.2 94.2 91.2
UK NORTHERN IRELAND 25 cases IDU     4 15 10 16 19 14 14 9 8
      % IDU     27 43 53 64 68 78 82 75 89
For methods and definitions see [Methods and definitions - Drug-related infectious diseases]
Definitions of notifiable HCV infections differ strongly between countries, underreporting may be large and about 80 % of acute infections are asymptomatic. Therefore numbers should not be interpreted as an estimate of real incidence and they cannot be directly compared. Trends over time and the percent IDUs among all notified cases may be more comparable between countries, although these may also be strongly affected by differences in testing patterns between countries and over time. Data for most recent year(s) may be incomplete due to reporting delay.
The figures in the table should be interpreted in conjunction with the relevant notes and on the studies, given in [Table IDisease-5 Part (ii) Notes and comments]

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