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Table IDisease-5. Notified cases of hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users: number of IDUs and percentage of IDUs amongst all cases with known risk factor. Part (ii) Notes and comments

Country Region Ref. Comments
Bulgaria SOFIA 1 IDUs in drug treatment centre. Chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: ELISA Ab test positive result.
Czech Republic NATIONAL 1 Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: in symptomatic cases clinical picture compatible with hepatitis, e.g. discrete onset of symptoms and jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferate level. Laboratory confirmation in symtpomatic and asymptomatic cases: HCV specific, HCV nucleic acid.
Denmark NATIONAL 4 Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected.
Estonia NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results. Case definition: clinical picture compatible with hepatitis discrete onset of symtoms and jaundice or elavated serum transfrase levels.
Latvia NATIONAL 3 Acute cases. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected.
Luxembourg NATIONAL 1 Note: all notified hepatitis C cases, IDU cases not available. Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected.
Hungary NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results. Case definition: An illness with discrete data of onset, and (2) jaundice or elevated serum aminotransferase levels greater than 2,5 times the upper limit of normal. Serologic criteria used: + anti-HCV positive
Netherlands NATIONAL 19 Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HBeAg results collected. Case definition: newly diagnosed HCV-infection (acute or chronic), confirmed by lab diagnosis.
Poland POMORSKIE Gdansk 3 n.a.
Slovenia NATIONAL 1 Acute cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: a suspected case which is laboratory confirmed (anti-HCV positive or HCV-RNA positive).
Slovakia BRATISLAVA REGION 4, 5 Cases in drug treatment centre. Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: person demanding health care in specialized services for treatment of drug depenencies due to the usage of illicit drugs, according to ICD-10 criteria for "F" diagnosis (IDUs: with life-time prevalence of IDUs), whose serological antibody response to HCV was positive).
Finland NATIONAL 1a Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected.
Sweden NATIONAL 3 Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results. Case definition: anti-HCV positive.
UK ENGLAND AND WALES 23, 24 Acute and chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: laboratory reports of hepatitis C infection, not hepatitis C notification data. A confirmed case is one that is anti-HCV positive and/or HCV RNA postive.
UK SCOTLAND 22 Chronic cases. Unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. No HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: laboratory reports of first positive named tests, not hepatitis C notification data. About 30% of non-IDU cases may be IDUs who have not stated a risk factor.
UK NORTHERN IRELAND 25 Acute and chronic cases. No unique identifier. Laboratory confirmation. HCV-RNA results collected. Case definition: all acute cases of hepatitis should be reported; chronic infections should also be reported when occurring in children, pregnant women and health care workers.

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