TDI-1. Data sources for data on clients entering treatment in 2005
TDI-2. Numbers of clients entering treatment and numbers of reporting treatment centres, 1996 to 2005
Part (i) Total numbers of new clients entering treatment
TDI-2. Numbers of clients entering treatment and numbers of reporting treatment centres, 1996 to 2005
Part (ii) Total numbers of all clients entering treatment
TDI-2. Numbers of clients entering treatment and numbers of reporting treatment centres, 1996 to 2005
Part (iii) Numbers of treatment units covered for reporting clients entering treatment
TDI-2. Numbers of clients entering treatment and numbers of reporting treatment centres, 1996 to 2005
Part (iv) Types of units covered for reporting clients entering treatment
TDI-3. Distribution by primary drug used of new clients entering treatment, 1993 to 2005
Part (i) Percent of new clients using heroin
TDI-3. Distribution by primary drug used of new clients entering treatment, 1993 to 2005
Part (ii) Percent of new clients using cocaine
TDI-3. Distribution by primary drug used of new clients entering treatment, 1993 to 2005
Part (iii) Percent of new clients using cannabis
TDI-3. Distribution by primary drug used of new clients entering treatment, 1993 to 2005
Part (iv) Percent of new clients using stimulants (amphetamines and MDMA)
TDI-4. Characteristics of new clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (i) Demographics
TDI-4. Characteristics of new clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (ii) Primary drug type used (percent of new clients using) and of those, the percent injecting it
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (i) Demographics of all clients entering treatment
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (ii) Primary drug type used by clients (percent of all clients) and of those, the percent injecting it
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (iii) Demographics of all men entering treatment
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (iv) Demographics of all women entering treatment
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (v) Primary drug type used by male clients (percent of all male clients)
TDI-5. Characteristics of all clients entering treatment: demographics and primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
Part (vi) Primary drug type used by female clients (percent of all female clients)
TDI-6. Incidence of treatment demands for drug use: new clients entering treatment in 2005 (rate per 100,000 population)
TDI-7. Number of clients covered, number of outpatient and inpatient treatment centres covered and number of centres in the country in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of new and all clients entering treatment: by the treatment demand indicator schedule reports in 2005, by type of treatment centre
TDI-7. Number of clients covered, number of outpatient and inpatient treatment centres covered and number of centres in the country in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (ii) Outpatient treatment centres
TDI-7. Number of clients covered, number of outpatient and inpatient treatment centres covered and number of centres in the country in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iii) Inpatient treatment centres
TDI-8. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of amphetamines, ecstasy and other non-cocaine stimulants in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part(i) All clients of all treatment centres reported for the country
TDI-8. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of amphetamines, ecstasy and other non-cocaine stimulants in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part(ii) New clients of all treatment centres reported for the country
TDI-9. Clients entering outpatient treatment: mean age and gender distribution among new and all clients in 2005
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (i) Distribution of new outpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (ii) Distribution of new outpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (iii) Distribution of all outpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (iv) Distribution of all outpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (v) Distribution of new inpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (vi) Distribution of new inpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (vii) Distribution of all inpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-10. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (viii) Distribution of all inpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (i) Distribution of new outpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (ii) Distribution of new outpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (iii) Distribution of all outpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (iv) Distribution of all outpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (v) Distribution of new inpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (vi) Distribution of new inpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (vii) Distribution of all inpatient clients by age group for each primary drug
TDI-11. Distribution of clients entering treatment according to age at first use of primary drug and primary drug - EU overall summary in 2005
Part (viii) Distribution of all inpatient clients by primary drug for each age group
TDI-12. Distribution of educational level (percentage) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-12. Distribution of educational level (percentage) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-12. Distribution of educational level (percentage) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-12. Distribution of educational level (percentage) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-13. Distribution (percentage) of labour status for clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-13. Distribution (percentage) of labour status for clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-13. Distribution (percentage) of labour status for clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-13. Distribution (percentage) of labour status for clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-14. Distribution (percentage) by accomodation arrangements (persons with whom the client is living) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-14. Distribution (percentage) by accomodation arrangements (persons with whom the client is living) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-14. Distribution (percentage) by accomodation arrangements (persons with whom the client is living) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-14. Distribution (percentage) by accomodation arrangements (persons with whom the client is living) of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-15. Distribution (percentage) of living conditions of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-15. Distribution (percentage) of living conditions of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-15. Distribution (percentage) of living conditions of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-15. Distribution (percentage) of living conditions of clients entering treatment in 2005 for countries reporting data
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-16. New clients entering outpatient treatment: distribution (percent) by source of referral in 2005 for countries supplying data
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (i) Percentage amongst new clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (ii) Percentage amongst new clients with cocaine (HCl and crack) as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iii) Percentage amongst new clients with stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iv) Percentage amongst new clients with hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (v) Percentage amongst all clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (vi) Percentage amongst all clients with cocaine (HCl and crack) as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (vii) Percentage amongst all clients with stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-17. Route of administration of primary drug as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (viii) Percentage amongst all clients with hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-18. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient and inpatient clients in 2005
Part (i) Percentage distribution amongst new outpatient clients
TDI-18. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient and inpatient clients in 2005
Part (iii) Percentage distribution amongst new inpatient clients
TDI-18. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient and inpatient clients in 2005
Part (iv) Percentage distribution amongst all inpatient clients
TDI-19. New and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment: distribution (percentage) by primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-19. New and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment: distribution (percentage) by primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-19. New and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment: distribution (percentage) by primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-19. New and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment: distribution (percentage) by primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-20. Unemployment rates among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 and in the general population
Part (i) New clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-20. Unemployment rates among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 and in the general population
Part (ii) All clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-20. Unemployment rates among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 and in the general population
Part (iii) New clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-20. Unemployment rates among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 and in the general population
Part (iv) All clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-21. Gender ratio by primary drug - ratio of males to females among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (i) Gender ratio (ratio of males to females) among new clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-21. Gender ratio by primary drug - ratio of males to females among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (ii) Gender ratio (ratio of males to females) among all clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-21. Gender ratio by primary drug - ratio of males to females among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iii) Gender ratio (ratio of males to females) among new clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-21. Gender ratio by primary drug - ratio of males to females among new and all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iv) Gender ratio (ratio of males to females) among all clients entering inpatient treatment
TDI-22. Secondary drugs: number of citations by all clients in outpatient and inpatient centres in 2005: average for those EU countries supplying data
Part (i) Outpatient centres
TDI-22. Secondary drugs: number of citations by all clients in outpatient and inpatient centres in 2005: average for those EU countries supplying data
Part (ii) Inpatient centres
TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug
Part (i) Most frequent combination of the primary drug with the stated types of secondary drug (percentages)
TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug
Part (ii) All clients with opioids as primary drug type: number of episodes reporting the stated drugs as secondary
TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug
Part (iii) All clients with cocaine as primary drug type: number of episodes reporting the stated drugs as secondary
TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug
Part (iv) All clients with cannabis as primary drug: number of episodes reporting the stated drug as secondary
TDI-23. Polydrug use among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005: the combination of opioids, cocaine, cannabis or other stimulants as primary drug type with a secondary drug
Part (v) All clients with stimulants other than cocaine as primary drug type: number of episodes reporting the stated drugs as secondary
TDI-24. All and new clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment centres by main drug for which they ask for treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part(i) All clients entering treatment by percentage of Outpatient and Inpatient treatment
TDI-24. All and new clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment centres by main drug for which they ask for treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part(ii) New clients entering treatment by percentage of Outpatient and Inpatient treatment
TDI-25. Age distribution (column percentage) by gender among all clients entering outpatient treatment with primary drug: opioids, cocaine, stimulants and cannabis in 2005 for countries supplying data
TDI-26. Number of all clients <15, 15-19, >19 years old by type of treatment centre and percentual (column) distribution in 2005 for countries supplying data
TDI-27. All clients under 15, 15-19 and >19 entering treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
TDI-28. Minor age groups: total number and percentage among all and new clients entering treatment in 2005
Part (i) percentage distribution of new clients by country
TDI-29. Gender distrbution of all outpatient clients by three age groups in 2005 for those coutnries supplying data
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (i) Number of all clients with age under 15
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (iii) Number of all clients with age between 15 and 19
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (iv) Percentage of all clients with age between 15 and 19
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (v) Number of all clients with age more than 19
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (vi) Percentage of all clients with age more than 19
TDI-31. Gender ratio (male to female) in minors for those coutries supplying data for 2005
TDI-101. Trends in gender distribution among new clients enering treatement from 1992 to 2005 (expressed as males / females ratio)
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opioids as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine (HCl and 'crack') as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-102. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opioids as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine (HCl and 'crack') as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile inhalants as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-103. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opioids as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine (HCl and 'crack') as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile inhalants as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-104. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opioids as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine (HCl and 'crack') as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile inhalants as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-105. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age and primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opiates as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-106. New clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opiates as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-107. All clients entering outpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opiates as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using hallucinogens as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-108. New clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (i) Number of clients using opiates as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (ii) Number of clients using cocaine as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iii) Number of clients using stimulants (other than cocaine) as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (iv) Number of clients using hypnotics and sedatives as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (v) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vi) Number of clients using volatile/inhalants as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (vii) Number of clients using cannabis as primary drug
TDI-109. All clients entering inpatient treatment: age at first use of primary drug at treatment in 2005 for those countries supplying data
Part (viii) Number of clients using other drugs as primary drugs
TDI-110. Route of administration of cocaine HCl and crack as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (i) Percentage amongst new clients with cocaine HCl as primary drug
TDI-110. Route of administration of cocaine HCl and crack as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (ii) Percentage amongst new clients with crack as primary drug
TDI-110. Route of administration of cocaine HCl and crack as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iii) Percentage amongst all clients with cocaine HCl as primary drug
TDI-110. Route of administration of cocaine HCl and crack as main reason for asking treatment among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iv) Percentage amongst all clients with crack as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (i) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (ii) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iii) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with cannabis as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (iv) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with cannabis as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (v) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with amphetamines and MDMA as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (vi) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with amphetamines and MDMA as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (vii) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with cocaine as primary drug
TDI-111. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all outpatient clients in 2005
Part (viii) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with cocaine as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (i) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (ii) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with opioids as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (iii) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with cannabis as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (iv) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with cannabis as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (v) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with amphetamines and MDMA as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (vi) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with amphetamines and MDMA as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (vii) Percentage distribution amongst new clients with cocaine as primary drug
TDI-112. Frequency of use of primary drug among new and all inpatient clients in 2005
Part (viii) Percentage distribution amongst all clients with cocaine as primary drug
TDI-113. New and all clients entering outpatient treatment for primary use of amphetamines, ecstasy and other stimulants in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part(i) New clients
TDI-113. New and all clients entering outpatient treatment for primary use of amphetamines, ecstasy and other stimulants in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part(ii) All clients
TDI-114. All and new clients entering treatment for opioids by type of opioid misused for countries supplying data in 2005
Part(i) Percentage among all clients entering treatment for opioids use from all clients entering treatment
TDI-114. All and new clients entering treatment for opioids by type of opioid misused for countries supplying data in 2005
Part (ii) Percentage among new clients entering treatment for opioids use from all new clients entering treatment
TDI-114. All and new clients entering treatment for opioids by type of opioid misused for countries supplying data in 2005
Part (iii) Number and percentage among all clients entering treatment
TDI-114. All and new clients entering treatment for opioids by type of opioid misused for countries supplying data in 2005
Part(iv) Number and percentage among new client entering treatment
TDI-115. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of cocaine HCl and crack in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (i) Among all clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-115. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of cocaine HCl and crack in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (ii) Among new clients entering outpatient treatment
TDI-115. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of cocaine HCl and crack in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iii) Among all clients entering treatment (all types of treatment)
TDI-115. New and all clients entering treatment for primary use of cocaine HCl and crack in 2005 for countries supplying data
Part (iv) Among new clients entering treatment (all types of treatment)
TDI-116. Secondary drug distribution among all clients entering outpatient treatment with primary drug: amphetamines and ecstasy in 2005 for countries supplying data
TDI-117. Mean age of all clients entering outpatient and inpatient treatment for amphetamines and ecstasy for countries supplying data in 2005
TDI-118. Polydrug use with cocaine among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005
Part (i) Combination of the primary drug with the stated types of secondary drug (percentages) - overall / EU summary
TDI-118. Polydrug use with cocaine among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005
Part (ii) All clients with cocaine HCl as primary drug type: numbers of episodes reporting the stated drugs as secondary
TDI-118. Polydrug use with cocaine among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005
Part (iii) All clients with crack as primary drug type: number of episodes reporting the stated drugs as secondary
TDI-118. Polydrug use with cocaine among all clients entering outpatient treatment, for countries supplying data for 2005
Part (iv) All clients with opioids as primary drug type: number of episodes reporting cocaine HCl and crack as secondary
TDI-119. Percentage proportion of all clients treated on opioid misuse from all treated clients within the treatment centres by type of treatment centre for countries supplying data in 2005
TDI-120. Mean age and gender ratio (males to females) among all clients entering outpatient treatment centres in 2005 for those countries supplying data
TDI-121. Frequency of use of primary drug: cocain HCl and crack among all outpatient clients in 2005 for countries supplying data
TDI-122. All outpatient clients under 15 entering treatment by primary drug in 2005 for those countries supplying data
TDI-123. All drug clients under 15 entering drug treatment in 2005 in 6 EU countries + Turkey
TDI-124. All drug clients under 15 by year of age entering drug treatment in 2005 in 6 EU countries + Turkey
TDI-125. Primary drug of consumption among all drug clients under 15 entering drug treatment in 2005 in 6 EU countries + Turkey
TDI-1. Trend in estimated number of new clients entering treatment by primary drug used, from 1999 to 2005
Part (i) Trend in distribution by primary drug (percentage)
TDI-1. Trend in estimated number of new clients entering treatment by primary drug used, from 1999 to 2005
Part (ii) Trend in numbers of clients by primary drug
TDI-3. Estimated numbers of all clients asking treatment by heroin, cocaine, cannabis, other stimulants (percent): overall EU trend in from 1999 to 2005
Part (i) Trend in percentages of clients by primary drug
TDI-3. Estimated numbers of all clients asking treatment by heroin, cocaine, cannabis, other stimulants (percent): overall EU trend in from 1999 to 2005
Part (ii) Trend in numbers of clients by primary drug
TDI-2. New and all clients entering treatment in 2005 by primary drug: heroin, cocaine, cannabis, other stimulants, other drugs (21 countries- 20 EU + TR - included for all clients and 22 countries - 21 EU + TK - for new clients)
TDI-5. Trends in cocaine and in the total number of new clients from 1999 to 2005 in 20 countries
TDI-6. New and all outpatient clients by age group in 2005 for those countries supplying data
TDI-7. Distribution according to primary drug of all clients aged under 15 entering treatment - EU summary for countries supplying data in 2005
TDI-8. Age distribution of all clients 10-14 years entering treatment for cannabis and volatile/inhalant drugs - EU overall summary for countries supplying data in 2005
TDI-9. New treatment demand for drug use: (rate per 100,000 population in 2006) and reporting coverage of treatment centers
TDI-10. Percentage of clients injecting opoids and cocaine among all outpatient clients by country in 2005
TDI-11. Numbers of clients reported entering treatment for any drug: overall EU trends by age group for all clients entering treatment 1999-2005
TDI-12. Gender ratio of all outpatient clients by three age groups in 2005: overall EU
TDI-13. Distribution of all clients entering treatment by primary drug at treatment in 2005 or most recent year available
TDI-14. Percent using cocaine as primary drug among new clients entering treatment, 1993 to 2005 - countries reporting in excess of 5% of new clients
TDI-4. Male to female ratio among all clients entering outpatient treatment by main drug in 2005
TDI-28. Minor age groups: total number and percentage among all and new clients entering treatment in 2005
Part (ii) percentage distribution of all clients by country
TDI-30. Trends in minors 1999 to 2005
Part (ii) Percentage of all clients with age under 15